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Friday, August 14, 2009

Plexiglas Smooshing

After setting up a play date with D, I decided I would bring our art project to her house. So this day we did Plexiglas Smush Painting. Don't you like the technical terms?

You need Plexiglas
Drawing Paper
Paint Brushes
Willingness to paint

There are two ways to do this, thanks to E and my boy we figured out which way was better.

You can apply the paint with a brush, and then lift it off with the paper, or put the paint directly on the plexiglas and smush it with the paper. Peel it off and there you go.

I took the finished products home so I could cut and laminate them and make magnets out of them. See this is how I get to go back to D's, to bring her the magnets! :)

After the paint fun we let the kids go wild in the back. D and I sat on some chairs and watched all of the fun. On the way home my boy told me how happy he was to see E again, and how he likes her house better than ours. Haha.

Original Post 6/23/09


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