I hosted Tot School this week so there are lots of activities headed your way!!!!
So far we have:
7-8 Breakfast, practicing letters and morning review of the day.
8-9 Morning Task Sheet, get ready basically tidy up and morning chores.
9-10 Free Play with Mom - No chore time slot...you will be amazed how much your kids will love this time!
10-11 Quiet Activities
From 10 - 11 is when I start laundry, or dishes or things that HAVE to get done. I give myself an hour to get as much done as I can. What are the kids doing? I usually give them a quiet activity like a game, or puzzles or coloring. I never leave these things out because I want them to be special when I pull them out. I almost always have classical or non-lyrical music playing in the background because it tends to mellow out the kids and give me an atmosphere that I am looking for. If I play MC Hammer's "To Legit To Quit" you can imagine how peaceful the house will be.
I have some quiet activities listed on the side bar but here are some good ones -
There are over 40 Quiet Activities on this blog so get busy! :)
I find if I limit myself to an hour of power cleaning I get so much more done and the kids know when the kitchen timer goes off we are done with quiet time. Sometimes I will even set up stations so when the dishes are done for me the puzzles are done for them. When I move to folding clothes, they move to coloring. It helps the time go by and they are doing more on their own.
Let me know what you think!
I never realized you had quiet activities listed, thats awesome! Im in need of some new ones. They really do save our lives when there are dishes to be done.