I made some Labels for the Activities we are going to do with the kids this summer. You can download them HERE. Most of the fonts are from an old Creative Lettering book, written by: Becky Higgins. I used her fonts because my kids could color them, AND they are so adorable!

After I printed them out, we colored them, cut them, and laminated them.
Right now they are in a box, waiting for MONDAY, and the activities that awaits my kids.
In the past, I have been over scheduled (I know, I know) and it was too much on them and me, and it became unfun/hard. I had a husband in school full time, and work full time, and a preemie on therapy, that it was too hard to do my regimented, timed, activities.
For instance from 9-10 Art Time. Well, if we had sick kids and it didn't happen that day I would feel "behind" in our day. That would stress me out, and then it became a mad dash to squeeze everything in for the day. So this year, with 3 kids going to Full Time School in the Fall, and 2 toddlers...I decided to revamp my summer program with my babes.
Instead of over-schooling them in the summer, I have devised simple-quick, educational activities to keep them engaged through out the summer, while still letting them be kids. Because lets face it, that is just what they are...KIDS!
I am calling this Summer: SBBK
Summer Boredom Busters for Kids
We talked about what we are going to do over the summer.
I decided that the labels we worked on together, will be hidden each day, so they can figure out what we are doing, and get excited about it! We will do one activity in the morning, and one in the afternoon.
EXAMPLE: I will hide the Geography sign somewhere in the house.
Once they find it, that will let them know what we are working on for that day.
They will get dressed, eat breakfast, and then clean their rooms, clean their teeth and faces, etc.
before we do activity #1.
This helps me get my stuff together while they are busily getting ready for the day.
Since I hid the label the night before, I can decide on what we are going to do, and pre-prep it for the following day ahead of time. (no scrambling around for me!)
Once the kids are ready, I will have that item ready on the kitchen table, or art table, and wait for everyone to be ready. I will explain the rules, and the how to's there and then let them have at it.
After that activity, we will discuss (if needed), then clean up, and then they have free time or whatever we need to do for that day (ex. grocery shopping, or laundry, most likely laundry)
After lunch and naps/quiet time, we will regroup at the table and do activity #2 (same label)
We will discuss, have afternoon snack and then free time or what ever we need to finish for that day.
(ex. pick up toy room, make dinner, do dishes, most likely dish mountain)
This is how I am planning that our summers will go.
I will post what we do for each topic to give you some ideas, and if you have some of your own, PLEASE SHARE!!!
I hope to hear from ya'll soon!

After I printed them out, we colored them, cut them, and laminated them.
Right now they are in a box, waiting for MONDAY, and the activities that awaits my kids.
In the past, I have been over scheduled (I know, I know) and it was too much on them and me, and it became unfun/hard. I had a husband in school full time, and work full time, and a preemie on therapy, that it was too hard to do my regimented, timed, activities.
For instance from 9-10 Art Time. Well, if we had sick kids and it didn't happen that day I would feel "behind" in our day. That would stress me out, and then it became a mad dash to squeeze everything in for the day. So this year, with 3 kids going to Full Time School in the Fall, and 2 toddlers...I decided to revamp my summer program with my babes.
Instead of over-schooling them in the summer, I have devised simple-quick, educational activities to keep them engaged through out the summer, while still letting them be kids. Because lets face it, that is just what they are...KIDS!
I am calling this Summer: SBBK
Summer Boredom Busters for Kids
We talked about what we are going to do over the summer.
I decided that the labels we worked on together, will be hidden each day, so they can figure out what we are doing, and get excited about it! We will do one activity in the morning, and one in the afternoon.
EXAMPLE: I will hide the Geography sign somewhere in the house.
Once they find it, that will let them know what we are working on for that day.
They will get dressed, eat breakfast, and then clean their rooms, clean their teeth and faces, etc.
before we do activity #1.
This helps me get my stuff together while they are busily getting ready for the day.
Since I hid the label the night before, I can decide on what we are going to do, and pre-prep it for the following day ahead of time. (no scrambling around for me!)
Once the kids are ready, I will have that item ready on the kitchen table, or art table, and wait for everyone to be ready. I will explain the rules, and the how to's there and then let them have at it.
After that activity, we will discuss (if needed), then clean up, and then they have free time or whatever we need to do for that day (ex. grocery shopping, or laundry, most likely laundry)
After lunch and naps/quiet time, we will regroup at the table and do activity #2 (same label)
We will discuss, have afternoon snack and then free time or what ever we need to finish for that day.
(ex. pick up toy room, make dinner, do dishes, most likely dish mountain)
This is how I am planning that our summers will go.
I will post what we do for each topic to give you some ideas, and if you have some of your own, PLEASE SHARE!!!
I hope to hear from ya'll soon!