Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Scrapped Farms

This is a really fun activity if you just want to get out aggression! LOL

First tear up a bunch of red paper.
L loved this. B was trying to keep it neat...I wonder where she gets it.
More tearing.
With the glue make a barn shape and then add the torn paper.
I laminated it and then we added some grass and of course the wood slats.
Cute right?
We talked about farms and barns and what they do and who lives in them.
It was really neat to hear what they were coming up with. L was set on telling me that puppies live on a farm.  I think she is right!


  1. We did this and the rooster activity and Boyd loved it! I was gone last night and Boyd told Aaron about his picture about a 100 times. It was a hit. Thanks.

  2. Hey I left you something on my blog...

  3. My kids love tearing paper! Got to try this for my next preschool!
