Monday, March 1, 2010

Handprint Roosters

This week and next is Farm Week.

We started with reading about farms and what they do.

The first thing my son realized was that the farm day cannot begin without the rooster waking up the farmers and animals, so that is what we made first!
This is J she is 1 and was visiting us for the day.  She was so cute and didn't care that I was painting her hand.
until I got to her fingers and she thought it was totally weird - 
but she was surprisingly cool about the whole thing.
Then we stamped it and I repeated it with the next 4 kids.
We made rooster sounds and then played a running game.
Cut them out and then glued a fence and a sun on the page.
J need a little help and actually preferred to watch on this one. Here is the end result.
It was great because each kids rooster looked so different!

Happy cock-a-doodle dooing!


  1. You always have GREAT/CUTE projects.

  2. This is so great! Do you get your ideas from the internet? Books?

  3. I love how you display the art. I need an art wall like yours. :)
