Monday, June 23, 2014

SBBK - Writing 1

Summer Boredom Buster Kids - Writing!

I have to confess that I have my kids writing every single day. (including the weekend)
I want their handwriting/penmanship to be stellar, so I push it every single day.
Reading is the same way. They must read 20-30 minutes a day.
Okay, rant over.

Something I am using for my kids is Handwriting Without Tears.
They do this workbook probably 3x a week.

 Different levels, different activities, all quiet. They have to do 4 pages (of their choice) during quiet time/naptime.

My 3 year old and 2 year old enjoy coloring on the walls.

We have a chalkboard and whiteboard system on our walls down stairs.
The reward for taking a nap without a fight (somedays) is writing.

My kids nap until they turn 5.
It is what works for them AND me.

I love seeing improvements in my children's handwriting over the summer.
I know everything is going to technology and cursive is a thing of the past, but not for my kiddos.
My son started cursive in May and is really enjoying it. I think I am the only person who still uses cursive, who is under the age of 35. Haha.

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