Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Edible Mosaics

I just got back from a much needed, and deserved (if I do say so myself) vacation without my kids to New York!  While I was there, we saw several mosaics in the subway stations throughout Manhattan.

It was incredible. I took pictures of each one I saw.
When I got back to my children, I decided to teach them all about Mosaics.

I am not an art expert, but, what a perfect opportunity to showcase something awesome to my children!

We talked about what Mosaics are : a picture or other design constructed from smaller pieces.
I also realized that I have a few of these types of art pieces at my house.

Cool right?

So I grabbed some Graham Crackers, Frosting, Cheerios, Puffs, Marshmallows, Sprinkles, Reeses Pieces, and Mini M&M's and had the kids make their own "edible mosaics"

3 year old and almost 2 year old

yellow shirt 5 year old.

They were so quiet and precise. It was a great activity for all ages, even my 1 year old.

Time to eat!

Blue shirt 6 years old.

Please excuse this display of poor manners. It was my fault. I said "is it good?" and then snapped this as he said yes!

This whole week we will be working on different mosaics.
If you like this type of activity and want more, please leave me a comment and let me know!
If you want something else...tell me!

Also, hi to my new followers from MO! 

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