Friday, January 13, 2012

Back for the Giveaway

January 23rd is the next SWEET giveaway.

My preemie got to come home so I will be adjusting to 5 kids at home next week. :)
Thanks for the kind words and hilarious emails. :)
He was 3lbs 10oz at birth and came home 5 weeks later at 6lbs 6oz! Not to shabby!
Grow baby, Grow!


  1. Congratulations. He is beautiful. I too am a mother of five. It is sooooo much fun.

  2. Woohoo!!! He is quite possibly the cutest thing ever with that chin.

  3. Congrats! My sister in law just showed me your blog and I am in love. I am a mother of a VERY active 2 1/2 year old and 7 month old. My 2 1/2 son is so smart and needs constant activities to help stimulate his mind. I love the ideas. I am going to start the colors next week. You are amazing. Seriously, I was just telling my husband look at everything she does- and you are so humble about it! You go girl- Heavenly Father must be very proud to call you his daughter! =) You're inspiring- thank you!!

  4. Oh precious. Congratulations. I just came across your blog on Pinterest. Great ideas. And you go! 5 kids in 5 1/2 years??

  5. He's got a Cary Grant chin! I'm in love! So happy for you. Jeanne D.

  6. I had a preemie, 3 lbs 6 oz. She almost three now. Has been sick 3 times and reads already. Don't worry mama, everything will be fine. You'll find as time goes on and you see their development you breath a sigh of relief and you didn't even know you were holding your breath. It's going to be fine.
