Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Thanksgiving Fun!

This is a quick activity to do on Turkey Day with little ones.

I have received a few FB messages about posting fun crafts for Thanksgiving with kids.

Here is what we made this week:

My son made his at school, so of course I had to make more for the rest of them.  Draw the turkey head and fold in half so you have 2 sides, then fold and cut once. Click on the top pic and you can see how its glued. He cut the whole thing himself.

My daughter's is just triangle scraps attached to a headband and some feathers. All cut by her.

For smaller toddlers I would pre cut everything have them glue and then wear.

Thanksgiving Treats. Here is what we made last year:

Here is what we are making this year: HERE

Good Luck and see ya next week! :)


  1. OH!!!! I LOVE THOSE COOKIE TURKEY'S!!!! My aunt does some like it but those look sooo yummy! to bad i didnt see them before thanksgiving.

  2. Uhh.. Is there any type of directions for the turkey cookies? Would really love to do this with my three year old son!
