Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Quiet Activity - Bracelet Making

As promised, no more fuzzy ball activities - but they may come back! ;)

Here is what you need for this activity: Pipe Cleaners, Straws, and a pair of scissors.

Take the scissors and cut the straws into several different sizes. I had the kids do this.
Use the pipe cleaner to be the string for the bracelet.

Hook one end, although you don't need to because the fuzz on the pipe cleaner prevents sliding.

Then go to town and string your straw beads!

Wrap the end around the hook and make a bracelet.

Perfect for birthday parties, friends on a play date, Friendship bracelets...the possibilities are as endless as your supply!

This can also be done with string and straw beads!

Something fun and easy and quiet! 

Monday, November 28, 2011

Quiet Activity - Sock-er Balls!

More Fuzzy Balls! I promise this is the last one for awhile!
I am just a fan of quiet non messy games while I am confined to the bed. Haha.

Fill the socks with balls, then tie the top like a knot.

Then give them to the kids to untie, and pull the balls out to sort.

It's great for little hands because it takes patience, concentration and small motor skills.
Its great for bigger hands because they can classify the balls.

We sorted, counted and then did it again. They switched socks the next time.
30 minutes of fun, quiet and ... no mess!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Thanksgiving Fun!

This is a quick activity to do on Turkey Day with little ones.

I have received a few FB messages about posting fun crafts for Thanksgiving with kids.

Here is what we made this week:

My son made his at school, so of course I had to make more for the rest of them.  Draw the turkey head and fold in half so you have 2 sides, then fold and cut once. Click on the top pic and you can see how its glued. He cut the whole thing himself.

My daughter's is just triangle scraps attached to a headband and some feathers. All cut by her.

For smaller toddlers I would pre cut everything have them glue and then wear.

Thanksgiving Treats. Here is what we made last year:

Here is what we are making this year: HERE

Good Luck and see ya next week! :)

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Quiet Activity - Fuzzy Balls 2!

Grab an empty formula can, a butter tub, an ice cream tub, anything with a lid.

With a sharp knife slice x's through the lid.  If you have a smaller kid cut complete o's.'

Give the kids some fuzzy balls and put them in the can.
 Then make it harder, open the lid and dump them out. Only the red ones! Only the green ones!
 Here is a closer look at the slits that were cut.
Super fun AND easy using recycled materials!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Winners of Epic Holiday Giveaway!

Using here are the 3 winners!!!!

Comment #88 Wins the first $250 to Lakeshore

Bugsy said...

I love everything! It is so nice to have everything on hand instead of having to go back to the store to do go get what I need.

Comment #103 wins the 2nd Lakeshore Giftcard.

Mia said...

I really enjoy your humor and honesty. I think about you often, and find you an inspiration as a mother and educator.

I would like more themed activities.

Comment 51 Wins the $150 to Amazon
championswimmer said...

I follow the blog, facebook, and posetd it!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


It is time!

3 winners this time. The winners win BIG too!

Lakeshore is giving away 2...yes...2 - $250 gift cards.
Free Shipping on everything! Never Expires!

I also have a $150 gift card to Amazon!
To spend on ANYTHING you want!

So what do you have to do?

1 - Leave a comment telling me what you like most about this site and what you want to see more of.

2 - If you are a follower leave a comment and tell me you are a FOLLOWER. 
(its an extra entry!!)

3 - 3rd entry can be by following us on Facebook!

4 - For your FINAL entry - post this giveaway on Facebook/your blog and leave a comment telling me you did this.

Contest starts at 6am Pacific Time Wednesday Nov 16th and ends FRIDAY Nov 18th - 8pm Pacific Time. Winner will be announced Sunday Nov 20th at 12 NOON.

Tell your friends and GOOD LUCK!!

Monday, November 14, 2011

Awesome News!

Me with Baby #5 - the troublemaker
We are now on Facebook!
So Thumbs Up/Like us!

There is a huge giveaway this Wednesday and Liking us on Facebook and Following us on the Blog give you extra entries!

I have been catching up on emails, and for those who have requested printouts, you should get them by tonight!
Thanks for the awesome words of encouragement and support!
High Fives to moms helping moms too!

Friday, November 11, 2011

Quiet Activity - Fuzzy Balls!

My 8 month old is super interested in doing what everyone else is doing.

So I grabbed a mason jar and some fuzzy balls and showed her how to put them in and take them out.

She immediately tried to do it, every other one went in her mouth, BUT I would just take them out and point to the jar and she would put them in, and then take them out!

It was fun for her to do something and she loved the feeling of the balls and the jar.  

I had both items at home so this was free!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Quiet Activity - Stacking!

Here is another perfect toddler activity that is quiet and fun!

Spaghetti Noodles, PlayDoh and Cheerios!

Playdoh on table. Stick Spaghetti Noodles, then stack the Cheerios!

They did this over and over until the cheerios their tummies.
They counted them, they stacked them, they did all sorts of things.

I picked Cheerios over Fruit Loops because the holes on the inside are smaller so they actually had to focus and get them on the noodles.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Quiet Activity - Pipe Cleaners!

Since I am on bed rest I have had to come up with a few more quiet activities than I usually do.

Here is one that we used to do in the schools, and I forgot how much toddlers love it!

Here is what you need:
A handful of pipe cleaners and a strainer! That's it!

 even my 8 month old was into this activity!
 In the holes the pipe cleaners go!

This was perfect for what I needed it to be...20-30 minutes of pure concentration, quiet time and fine motor building.

So easy, and fun.  I will be bringing this out again!