Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Pumpkin Flash Cards

Pumpkin Theme Activities for Kids.

Cut up paper into card shapes.

Write the number at the bottom and draw the appropriate number of stems.

Then let the kids thumbprint/finger print the corresponding amount of "pumpkins"

Once dry, laminate and use for anything!

We are going to use them for church...on the way, for quiet activities and for counting.

Simple easy and made by your toddler!


  1. I just discovered your blog and find you to be a very talented mother. You may have some suggestions for me since I am struggling recently with my 2.5 year old. I just had baby #2 on 10.3.11. Ever since bringing home the baby, my 2.5 year old son has been acting out (saying "no", hitting, not listening). I believe he is bored. Prior to baby, he and I left the house every day and did some type of activity. Currently, I am staying home with the baby to focus on getting her breastfed properly and to allow me to recover from my c-section. My son has never been one to self play and so he is struggling with being at home everyday and not being entertained by mom! He is the type of personality to play with something for 5 minutes and then he is done! He is not into crafts or coloring. He LOVES playing in the sink with water, cleaning the house, and cooking with me (these activities occupy him for over 30 minutes). I am seriously considering looking into some type of preschool where he can go for the morning so he can be around friends and be entertained. I am not sure that is even an option. So...my question to you is do you have any ideas on how to entertain my little guy? I really appreciate and value your opinion!
    Thanks in advance,

  2. This is so cute!!! Im totally doing it!!

  3. We just used this idea in a Mommy and Me play group. It went so well! Thank you!!
