My toddler can tell me when he pees and poops. He's not quite to the point of telling me beFORE he does it, just AS he's doing it. (Progress is progress in my eyes - lol) Anyway, I want to introduce or somehow let him know his pee and poop can/will go in the toilet someday. How would you do this? He understands a lot and talking about things and explaining things seems to actually work with him, so I'm thinking if I get the potty seat and show it to him, have him sit on it and just explain that this is where his pee and poop go, that'd be a good start... what do you think?
My toddler can tell me when he pees and poops. He's not quite to the point of telling me beFORE he does it, just AS he's doing it. (Progress is progress in my eyes - lol) Anyway, I want to introduce or somehow let him know his pee and poop can/will go in the toilet someday. How would you do this? He understands a lot and talking about things and explaining things seems to actually work with him, so I'm thinking if I get the potty seat and show it to him, have him sit on it and just explain that this is where his pee and poop go, that'd be a good start... what do you think?