Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Toddler Preschool Beach Ocean Theme Ideas -4

Sock Whales.  This idea is really my friend C's.  She told me about a week or so ago and I needed to add it to our week.

I used polyfill, 1 sheet of sparkle felt, buttons, a sharpie, yarn, socks from the dollar store ... 3 pairs for 1 dollar, hot glue too.
 Have the kids stuff the socks.
 Like really really stuff them.  It takes about 7 minutes of laughing and stuffing.
It should look like this...

The the tail into a knot and then add eyes and cut felt into fin shapes and glue on the sides. Then add the smile with the sharpie.  After that have the kids tie knots, this was hard for them so they cut the yarn into desired lengths and I tied the knot.
Snip the top of the whale and then hot glue the yarn inside.  I added a felt layer to the top (not pictured) just to secure the blow hole water in place.
 Here they are.  We read a few books about whales and then played "slide the whale across the wood floor"
It was like Whale Hockey...2 activities in one! Haha

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