Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Edible Snowmen

Mini Powdered Donuts, Pretzel Sticks, Candy Corn, Mini Chocolate Chips, Reeses Peanut Butter Cups and Pull and Peel Twizzlers. Whew!

We had a bunch of friends over for dinner and dessert and embraced the different age groups by doing a project/edible craft.
Peel the Pull and Peel Twizzlers
Then pass out 2 pretzel sticks, 1 candy corn, several mini choco chips, and 1 PB cup.
Peel the PB cups, but save the dark wrapper.
This is my 21 month old using her fine motor skills! 
Pass out the donuts (3 a person) and add eyes, nose and buttons
Wrap the licorice around the neck and add the hat.
then eat everything but the wrapper!

This took a good 30 minutes, but I had 6 kids so it might take less if you have a smaller group.
Ages 6, 4, 4, 3, 2, 1

1 comment:

  1. and emma is STILL begging to do them again and again. We've done them twice since! haha, she loves anything we do crafty...thanks for watching them that day!

