Thursday, December 9, 2010

Easy Toddler Christmas Idea #6

Get that aggression out and make these super easy, cute and fun Tissue Paper Pointsettias.
You need a green crayon, yellow paper, red tissue paper and glue.

Start by glueing the center yellow on and then add 5 glue lines for the petals.
Let the kids tear up the red into little or big pieces and glue on each line.
 Then color the white spaces where there is no petals with the green crayon.
 More tearing.
 Here they are finished.  The kids didn't want to color the green parts so I did it while they were drying.
 The cool part is that as the glue dries the petals start to shrivel up a bit and they look more and more real.
I didn't take a picture of the dried ones but trust me they look so great with the mix of Christmas cards we have taped to the back of the front door. :)

Quick Christmas ideas for Toddlers...check! 


  1. I made these with my 4 year old and two yo twins. Worked great. I used green construction paper so coloring wasn't neccessary. They loved making them. Thanks!

  2. Loved trying your art projects. Thanks for posting all of it.
