Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Monster Munch

Another fun Halloween snack.  My son is in charge of the snack and on his day its monster day, which we will do on Halloween week. :)

Anyway here is my creation of MONSTER MUNCH! Aaah! Monster Munch is what Monsters eat-not monster parts. :)
Here is what I used: 
Honey Nut Cheerios (people eyes)
Vanilla Goldfish (dead fish)
Raisins (bug eyes)
Sunflower Seeds (mouse toes)
Sweedish Fish (baby tongues)
Chow Mein Noodles (dried up worms)
Cocoa Puffs-not pictured but used (mouse poop)

Totally gross, but fun.
I let them create their own mix and for my son's class I made a chart and let them see and read what was in their individual snack sized ziploc bags.   
 Then it was time to eat.
And discover what each thing was.  It was a fun activity. Try it instead of candy! 

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