Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Green Sensory Tub

Happy St. Patty's Day!

Here is what you need: 3 bags of Dried Split Peas (Walmart had these for 45 cents), 1 cup of wheat, and these cool things...
these are gold muffin cups...I found these in the Wilton section at Michaels for $1.39.
Cut them up into different shapes.
Here is the tub, mix it all together...
Add the gold pieces
mix them in and then explore...
This is my son's best friend R.
We inspected everything in the bucket.

1 comment:

  1. I think Stuart would happily agree to the kids using the split peas I have in the pantry for this! I think I'll make his day and use them for this instead of green soup :0).
