Monday, March 29, 2010

Cherry Blossom Trees

So we talked about how spring is coming and one of my favorite things about spring is the Cherry Blossom Trees in Washington, DC.  I have yet to see them in person but someday my husband will take me. :)

Cut out a trunk and glue it on and then cut several squares out of tissue paper.
Glue several dots on the background of the paper and then let the kids crumble the tissue paper and glue it on.
It is a fun way to release stress! :)

They are so cute too!  Scroll up to see the finished product!

Friday, March 26, 2010

Scoops of Fun!

Our fourth item and fun weird toy week
I found it at Walmart for $7 dollars, Target no longer carries this game.
A and L jumped right into this game!
It is a great little game 

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Fun Find Game

Our third item and fun weird toy week

Grab some small candies, and some plastic eggs.
Take the tops off and then put one candy in the egg.
Move them around and let the kids guess where the candy is hiding...
Nope not there...
The excitement in my daughters face is not fake...they LOVED this game!
Then I let them play it themselves and they thought it was so much fun!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Our second item and fun weird toy week
These were a dollar at Michaels and they do have small parts so I would make sure that you are sitting with the kids while they are playing with these.
L and B were so into this they sat for 45 minutes making the designs.  It was perfect for small motor skills!
L was being so silly!
I mean they sat there quietly and worked hard on their peg-a-lites!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Pop and Catch

This week is cheap and fun weird toy week.  Yup you read right.  We are going to start with...
The Pop and Catch...a $2.50 toy found in the easter section at Walmart.
You shoot the trigger and the ball comes out.
Let's do it!
Nice Catch!

This is what we do when it was 65 all week and then we get hit with 9 inches of snow the next day.  Gottta love Colorado!

Friday, March 19, 2010

Green Lunch

This has been so much fun this week, we had to end it with a bang!
Pesto Pasta, Kiwi, Pistachio Pudding, Avacados, Honeydew, and Cucumbers w/Lemon

Lets see how they did...
A - LOVED the Pasta
L - loved the Avacados
B - Loved EVERYTHING (suprise, suprise)
S - ate whatever I gave her. LOL

We decided that the sweet things were very good and had a hard time decided what the other foods should be as far as catergory.  A put the pasta in the yummy catergory. :)

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Handprint Leprechauns

Sponge Paint the bottom of the hand in orange-red paint...I made it myself!
After the hands are stamped, watercolor some rainbows.
Then piece a pot of gold, a hat and a head on to the Leprechaun...
Super cute!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Green Sensory Tub

Happy St. Patty's Day!

Here is what you need: 3 bags of Dried Split Peas (Walmart had these for 45 cents), 1 cup of wheat, and these cool things...
these are gold muffin cups...I found these in the Wilton section at Michaels for $1.39.
Cut them up into different shapes.
Here is the tub, mix it all together...
Add the gold pieces
mix them in and then explore...
This is my son's best friend R.
We inspected everything in the bucket.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

A Shamrock Snack

So for Green Week which just happens to fall on St. Patrick's Week we decided to make Shamrock Snacks.

Here is what you need:
Almond Bark, Green Sprinkles, Pretzel Twists and Pretzel Sticks and Wax Paper.
You also need some kids who just woke up from nap who are hungry.
So arrange the pretzels to look like a shamrock.  I let them figure it out for a few minutes so they could follow the pattern I had made.
Heat 1 cube of the Almond Bark at a time, until it is melted, then dollop into the center of the pretzels.  Let them sprinkle on the green stuff but be careful because the almond bark is still hot!
This is a better picture of it.
This is what it should look like.
Then let the kids go play and arrange the two sides to lay on top of the make it 3D and so they are sticking to the pretzel not the bark...
Sorry for the brightness in this picture but you can see what I mean in this picture how they are all layered on top of the stick...
Mmmm, let's eat!  Yes my son is wearing shorts and a long sleeved was 55 and hello its Colorado.  Oh and my typical 2nd born there in the middle, broke all of the pieces so she could eat "the bits" this is how she prefers to eat everything...broken.  Lastly we were eating while the kids were walking home from school so that explains L on the end looking in the distance. :P

We made 2 dozen of these, with 2 squares of bark.