Thursday, February 11, 2010


Lakeshore is my new best friend because they are giving away some great prizes....

First place is a $100 GIFT CARD and This awesome Barn with the animals!!!

Second Place is This Learning Library all about farms, and this Floor Puzzle oh did I mention that you also get a $20.00 GIFT CARD as well? Mmm hmm that's right!

Oh and both winners get to pick a friend who will also receive a $20.00 gift card to Lakeshore Learning

This is because I am going to do a farm unit over the next two weeks and I mentioned it to them and they said hey let us help!  How could I say no?

So  Here are the rules:

1 - Leave a comment telling me how you heard about this site...and where you are from.

2 - If you are a follower leave a comment and tell me. (its an extra entry!!)

3 - For another entry search through the blog and comment on an activity that you did or would like to do and how it went, or what you did differently. 

Contest starts at 8am Pacific Time and ends Saturday 8pm Pacific Time. Winner will be announced Sunday at 12 NOON.

Now you can tell your friends and family because if we hit over 150 entries there is a BIG 3rd prize that is sponsored by Amazon, so on your mark, get set, go!!!!


  1. Hey there! I just love your site! I think I found your site through a friend...and I know your dear hubby from high school (seminary actually!). So I am from Arvada as well. I love all your great ideas!

  2. I found out about your site from a colleague/friend of mine at work. I love your projects and have tried many of them with my two little boys!

  3. I'm definitely a follower of your site!

  4. I do a project with my almost 3-year old every week and here are some of the ones we've tried: painting with water, file folders (I've made three), ice treasures, shoe/hands turkeys, dot painting, and paper plate maracas. The only one I might do differently is the paper plate maracas just because my son at the time was very much in to taking things apart to see what's you can imagine the outcome when he and his cousin figured out how to get the plates apart!

  5. How fun! My husband grew up on a farm and we are always trying to teach our son about all the different animals. I found your site through a friend and I love it! I like to make file folder games for Church and I have really been wanting to do some of your fun shape activities. I need to stock up on some supplies first!

  6. You told me about this sight, silly. :) I'm from Gillette, Wy.

  7. I'm a follower - been following since day one. :)

  8. I check your site out probably about once a week for ideas. I haven't done too many of them yet, but it has inspired me to do more fun, creative stuff instead of just having paper and coloring books and letting them draw. I have since bought some washable paint, smocks, and some little wooden cars to paint (only $1 at michaels) I have done the cutting shapes out of cereal boxes and threading with yarn, and I printed many things from the website that helps them with their letters (where you can put in their name). I am from mesa, az and I heard about this through a friend. -mindi

  9. Well, I pretty much said I was a follower in my first post, but I'll do it again to follow instruction :)-Mindi

  10. I found your awesome site because you found my blog and gave it to me! (How nice!)

  11. I plan to do a "Look at my work" wall to display Hazel's work. The first art work will be "Feet Flowers" which I love.

  12. I love your blog. I think I spotted it on some other blog that I was looking at. I fell in love!

  13. I am a follower.

  14. I have wanted to do the milk jug toss since last summer and never got around to it. I really think my little guy would be really into it this year. Oh, and I forgot to say where I was from before. I am from Thornton, CO.

  15. I think I found you through your family blog, but it might've been facebook. I'm from CO, you know me ;)

  16. One thing I have done is a color-themed lunch. I did orange and it turned out really good! I would love to do the file folder games, just got a laminator, so I see them in my future

  17. I found you/your blog through a great family friend! :o) I am a multi-state dweller...Idaho and Colorado to be exact. YAY for giveaways!

  18. Oh and of course I am a follower! I even have your button on my blog. I just love doing your great craft ideas with my kids, and they love it too!

  19. I forgot to mention in my above comments that I'm from Louisville, CO!

  20. Oh, I think I heard about this blog from a great gal named Valerie on Facebook. Oh, and I am currently from Oregon....

  21. How did I find out about this fabulous blog? I knew you way back when in the single days, managed to find your other blog and found this one too...which I LOVE!

    I am currently in Rawlins, WY

  22. I am a follower...which is good because you have awesome ideas!

  23. Last but not least because Phillip is REALLY into shapes right now I like your oval puppies and the rectangle shape collages.

  24. Hi! I found your site through a friend from my local twin club. We live in Utah.

  25. We have tried several things from your site, one that comes to mind was the footprint ghosts. We did just one footprint (low on white paint) but they still turned out soo cute.

  26. I heard of the site because KP used to be on it frequently.

  27. Through your inspiration I tried to do the texture rainbow. I just need to learn to have more patience with a 2 year old.

  28. Started following you after I clicked on the button on Jami's blog.

  29. And I'm a follower so here's entry #2.

  30. I love the color days when you do food items for the kids to eat. I haven't done it yet, but I want to - maybe it will get my girls to try some new food. Also I forgot to put it in the first comment, but I'm in Denver.

  31. I heard about your blog from you. :)

  32. We did the butterflies with the coffee filters. They were fun. We just folded them like fans though to put them together. My son loved squirting the water and watching the colors run. :)

  33. I heard about Toddler Boredom Busters from your very own personal blog! =0)

  34. I believe once you did a project about mixing colors where you put a piece of paper in a big container with objects and rolled them around, etc. I did something a bit different, but you may have done this too, I got some foil 9X13 pans, put a piece of paper, drops of paint and a marble and let the kids roll it around. They loved it and no mess!!

  35. I recently found your blog when I did a search for toddler activities. We are HUGE fans and my 2 year old son Ryan and I visit your site daily. It is so much fun seeing what projects you come up with next. AC Moore now sees us a few times a week. We have done numerous projects but I must say the toys in the ice was his favorite. He now goes through all of his toys selecting which one he will freeze. We even did a variation and did an ice cube tray with colored ice cubes so he can learn colors as well. Thanks for such a great blog!!

  36. We are from Arkansas and love your blog.


  38. I heard about your blog through a mutual friend. I live in Arvada.

  39. My 2 girls and I made the bottle lids stamps. Lots of fun!!!

  40. 3. And I've done lots of your activities with my kids, but I intend on doing the corn dogs soon. P.S. My kids love painting and using different ways of applying paint. Q-tips for the snow was genius!

  41. I found you through MomSource. I am from Canada.

  42. I love your blog so of course I follow it!

  43. I have done all of the 18 month + stuff. We think its cool.

  44. I have done tons of things with my twins!

  45. I heard of this site through your Facebook...I'm from Missouri

  46. I am a follower! Wouldn't want to miss anything!

  47. We did the activity where you use a big bucket with a lid and tape a picture to the inside and use paint to color it by rolling it around or shaking it. It went pretty well but we should use less paint next time because it got behind the picture and it was hard to get out and took a long time to dry. It was really fun though!

  48. I found out about this website from your personal blog...and maybe facebook. I'm from Wheat Ridge, CO.

  49. I'm a follower of your website because I'm cool like that.

  50. I'm a little scared to paint with a toddler...something about my new kitchen table...but if I ever get over that fear, I LOVED the triangle lizards. Actually, I have loved all of the shape and color days. How fun to have a themed day/week.

  51. i have tried a lot of the projects.

  52. I especially like book suggestions!

  53. I live in Spanish Fork, UT and you are my BFF.

  54. I tried the money cleaning. It was the first time for me, and my kids liked it.

  55. # 3 My kids really liked building structures with toothpicks and marshmallows....And they liked eating the marshmallows too! Fun times!

  56. I found you in Parents magazine. I am in North Dakota

  57. I love everything but have yet to try it because I am pregnant with #1.

  58. I am a close friend! And live far away, but support you! :)

  59. I am a follower!

  60. I have done a few things, but can't wait to do more!

  61. I heard about the blog from you. It has tons of fun ideas.

  62. I'd really like to do the color themed lunches. The girls would get a hoot out of that.

  63. I heard from an email about you. We are in Florida.

  64. We have done many things. But the shapes were pretty cool!

  65. I heard about your blog from your good friend Danielle. I just read her post about it on her blog. She kindly dropped a hint just for me. I am the one who shows up on the feed from India. We normally live in Denver, but are in India for six months.

  66. Wow, you really have a lot on here. I just went back and read some posts to see what I would do. I don't have any toddlers yet, but when my 10 month old gets bigger there is a lot I want to do. But I did like a lot of the cute painting things you have listed for 6 month and older. I don't think I will do them for a few more months while here in India, as I don't know what resources I would find here. But when we come home I am sure I will come to this site for ideas.

  67. Sure, I just became a follower. I think I read your blog before I had a baby and it didn't really catch my eye. But now that I have one of my own I can see myself in the future looking for things to do with him, and I can see myself doing a lot of the things from here. :)

  68. I love your blog. I met you at a craft night and heard about your blog from you. Love it! I love the heart wreath. What a cute and inexpensive Valentine's day idea.
