Tuesday, February 16, 2010


We are making Musical Instruments this week.

What is a Bull-roarer?
Known as the 'voice of God' to the Australian Aborigines and given to the males of the Clan at naming ceremonies or other auspicious occasions. Used as a 'talk back switch' to the Creator. To sound a Bullroarer it is swung lasso style which causes it to spin and make a 'humming type' sound.  

We (my husband and I) studied these all weekend and decided to make them with the kids. If you knew us, this would make total sense to you. School Science Projects here we come! LOL

So we thought we could recreate the Bull-roarer sound with these simple around the house items...
Then we attatched the rubber bands to the spoons.
L was very good at this!
Then you add the yarn.
Here is a close up!
Yikes! someone needs lotion!
After spinning it around we realized we needed to add tape.
I mean seriously look at those Colorado dried hands. Yuck! I am so sorry!
Then add the rubber bands. Now lets go outside and try it...
Make sure there is lots of room.
L wanted sunglasses!
It makes such a cool sound.

We then traded out the different sized rubber bands and took notes on the different sounds they made.
We came in and talked about how sound is made and how to make vibrations and waves.

Try this...it is fun and easy!  Click on the Music Tab to see what we have done in the past.


  1. Sounds like a great science project! Dont worry about the dry hands, we lived in WY for five years I know how you feel!

  2. I am excited about Musical Instruments this week...we will try this out for sure!

  3. I'm so glad you have this blog. I've told all of my friends here about it. My kids love all the activities and your step by step picture instructions make it pretty dumby proof (which I need) . Thanks!

  4. I think my kids would love this! (And that's why I never take close-ups of my own hands - Wyoming hands are just as pretty.)

    Anywho, great idea! Go you!
