Friday, October 2, 2009

Yellow Week Recap

This week I started a new Unit. We are going to hit all of the colors (even though my 3 year old knows them, I am working on my 21 month old to say them correctly)

I have used a few sites. I like to tweak what I see instead of use things verbatim because that is not original and I feel like it is stealing. I never claim to know it all or do it all but I feel really strongly against copying activities, so I will list sources as I use them. A lot of my activities I used when I taught a few years ago and some I have picked up over the years as a babysitter or going from different centers and such. I don't have a special format on how I do things and I don't like the pre-made activities where you copy the image and glue it yourself. All of this stuff is kid tested mother approved! :) Okay off the soapbox.

We went on a yellow scavenger hunt

We ate an everything yellow lunch

We made a sunflowers because they are yellow

We went outside and learned about day and night and went on a night hike with glowsticks

We went to the Library and brought home some books

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