Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Painting with Water

When I was a kid there were these books where you just add water and voila! the paint appeared and you had a 5 color painting. Not like Color Wonders, but like Paint with Water. Do you remember them?
I really broke the bank with this one, but I found them for 0.89 cents! With Characters that my kids like! These were in my kids stockings this year and they have used them several times, but I wanted to share them with you because I LOVE this product.
Look closely...the paint is there...
Just add WATER!
I think my kids like them so much because I am so crazy about it, but they love to sit and water paint, so I let them. It makes my day.
I hope you can find them and make an afternoon out of it!


  1. I was just thinking about painting with water last week, then I actually found one last saturday at a garage sale. The kids love painting with it. Love your site.

  2. Um I LOVED those as a kid. Where on earth did you find them???? I've been looking all over and have not seen any.

  3. Where did you find them? I SO need to get some of those!

  4. I would like to know where you got them as well.
