Thursday, June 18, 2009

Craft Closet Basics

Computer printer*Paint brushes
*Computer paper (white & colored) *Hole punch
*Construction paperPaints: tempera, *watercolor pan paints, *watercolor pencils, *tempera paints, poster, finger paints
*erasable colored pencils or
*traditional colored pencils &
*white and color chalk
*Glue stick
*Washable glue
*Craft knife (for adults)Wood craft sticks (small and large)
*Pencils with eraser and pencil sharpener*Scissors:
Fiskars, Crayola, Office Depot
(extras: shaper scissors)
*Washable felt-tip color markersCover up: old t-shirt
*Dry-erase color markers (great for penmanship practice on covered tracers (D'Nealian or Standard block with sheet protectors)File box & files to organize
activities and materials
*Tape & tape dispenser*Stapler


Stickers*Hole punch brass fasteners
*Pipe Cleaners*Wax paper
Paper plates Standard 9" and dessert size*Paints: acrylic and fabric
Easel or butcher paperPlaster of Paris
Poster board to use as a portable easel or bulletin boardLiquid starch
Clear contact paper or laminating sheetsUsed craft sticks (from Popsicles)
Glitter in small shaker container or Glitter glue*Wiggly Eyes Round (Assorted colors & sizes)
Cotton ballsCookie cutters (100 pc. set)

Tissue Paper (various colors)

Recyclable Materials for crafts

* Note: Print black and white craft templates on scrap paper. Trace the templates over decorative wallpaper from old catalogs or scraps, left over pieces of construction paper, wrapping paper or foam sheets.

Cardboard tubes (sanitary, paper towel or wrapping paper tubes)Catalogs, newspaper and old comic books
Drinking strawsClear plastic soda bottles & caps
Paper bags: lunch size & grocery sizeBaby food jars
Cardboard: cereal boxes, etc.Old cookie sheets
Sand paper scrapsPaper cups (foam or paper)
Styrofoam traysOld socks
NewspaperMilk cartons
Large & small boxes and lids (shoe boxes)Wrapping paper & wallpaper scraps
Yarn, ribbon or string scrapsClean sponges
Plastic containers (margarine cups, etc.)Frozen juice cans & lids
Old sheets or old pillowcasesThrow-away paper (junk mail that one side is clean for printing)
Empty match boxesAluminum foil scraps
Some large glass jars & jar lidsCorks
Old file foldersOld pasta-assorted
Tissue paper boxes and gift boxes*Felt or fabric remnant pieces

Materials from Nature

Smooth stones or pebblesDriftwood
Fresh or dry leavesDried grasses
Pine conesTwigs
Sea shellsNuts
SandDried beans
Wood shavingsPopping corn
Egg shellsDried flowers
Bird seed and other seedDried Beans

I am sure there are several things that I forgot, so comment on what you think is missing

1 comment:

  1. Play dough is an absolute necessity in our house! BTW where on earth do you keep it all????? I consider myself pretty organized in the craft department but I can't fathom where to store all the "recyclable materials" for a rainy day. I just don't do it.
