Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Floating Sponge Boats

Here are the items you need. I might add that all of this cost me about $2.50 and I only used some of it, so the rest of this stuff will go in the Art Closet. Score!
Items: Sponges, Fun Foam, Straws, Pipe Cleaners, not needed just in the picture.
Cut a small hole towards the top of your sponge. It doesn’t need to be a circle, just a slit. Then trim the straws. Leave the bendy part on.
The bendy part goes into the sponge...this will make it a tight fit but keep it secure.
Then cut a triangle shape for a mast out of your foam sheet. I cut two slits into the foam so that the straw can be hooked. This is not an exact science, so I let both kids cut their own shape. The both seemed to cut diamonds, but whatever you want will be fine.
Place the foam triangle onto the straw. Now you can push the straw into the sponge’s hole. It’s done and you are ready to place your sailing boat in the water.
I gave my kids extra straws to change wind and direction on the boats. We talked about how wind effects the direction. Then we tried waves...
We played in my sorry excuse for a backyard for about 35 minutes. The entire project only took about 7 minutes to make. We saved them for swimming later, because I filled up the pool and don't want that water to go to waste! :)
The best thing about this project is that if the sponge gets too full and won't move as fast you can just wring it out and stick it back into the water!


  1. Love this!
    Suggestion: List the materials needed along with the picture... just a thought. ;)

  2. Ha ha! Did I miss that you listed the items the first time, or did you list them later? ;)

  3. I listed them later, thanks for the tip!
