Thursday, September 26, 2013

Name Recognition #8

Magnet Letters!
Cheap Small Cookie Sheets and a Tub of These Foam Letters is all you need.

I chose foam because it is quiet.
First I let them free play. Then we sorted by color.
 Then we spelled our names. I made cards for them to copy the order of their names. We practiced first, middle, and last names. 

Sometimes we use these for Sunday centers. Sometimes we use these for quiet time.
I have even used them for spelling words.
Another fun activity that costs less than $16 for years of playtime.

Another use for these Magnets is match the sound to the letter game.
"This letter says Oooh" 


  1. Woohoo! You're back!!! I love this activity! I always see those magnetized letters and think Oh those would be awesome! Until they get lost under the fridge. Never thought of using cookie sheets! Brilliant!

  2. This is adorable..and absolutely amazing how you came up with this idea!!! SUPERB!!
    Congrats on a job well done!
