Thursday, March 29, 2012

Melted Bead Art

Do you remember doing this as a kid?
I don't remember what it is called but Michael's sells these kits for $2-$5 and sometimes they are on sale for $1.

I found this at Ikea for $8
 I love these beads. So many possibilities. :)

 So much focus and determination.
 It comes with waxed paper, you iron it for a few seconds, or until the holes disappear. This is a debate in my house. My friend says the debate in her house is whether you iron both sides or not. 
Everyone has their thing right? :)

I used this for a Spring Break activity when it was "quiet activity"

We turned them into magnets for the fridge.
So fun and we can play again and again since we have 2,344 beads left. :)

1 comment:

  1. what a great idea, so pretty and great for fine motor skills
