Friday, December 7, 2012

Kid Made Ornaments: Reindeers

you need 3 clothes pins, one wooden spool, googly eyes and a red ball or bell.

We used hot glue on the cool setting, but you could use tacky glue or wood glue and be totally fine.

First, paint the wooden objects...

 Then glue them together

 Then hang on the tree!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Toddler Santa Advent Calendar

A repost from Dec 1, 2010

This is from my son's school but my daughter insisted on having one of her own.

First we played with the cotton balls. It was fun to feel them on our faces and eyes and throw them and just get our hands on them. I put the left overs in the sensory tub for winter. :)

 Once we were done playing we colored Santa faces.
Then we glued a basic hat on and I explained how the advent calendar works.
Every day (today is the 1st) you add a cotton ball to Santa's beard. Once the beard is filled its Christmas!
Everyone was so excited by this.  If you want the beard chart leave a comment HERE with your email address and I will send you the doc right away!

Easy Toddler Christmas idea... voile!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Leaf Fun

It might be too late, but here is an idea to get your kids to clean up those leaves.

Rake a fun path for them to play in!

Super Fun!

Friday, October 19, 2012

Easy Canvas!

My kids love to draw(l). It is nice to not waste paper every once in a while. So, I bought these dry erase markers and gave each kid a paper towel and gave them my bathroom mirror.

These markers are for the mirror only.

To start, you need 3 adorable girls.

not a requirement. ;)

I let them get on the counter, and go to town on the mirror!

 They would have done this for hours.

This is a great place to keep them occupied while you are folding laundry,  or cleaning. :)

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Fall Snack!

Caramel Apples are delicious - and messy.
Since I didn't feel like adding another load of sticky dirty clothes to the laundry we made Apple Dippers!

One good thing about having lots of kids, is that I have lots of helpers.

While we were melting the cream and the caramels we had a discussion about which apples would be better with the dip.  Granny Smith or Honey Crisp?

Then we added sea salt.

This is perfect for an after school snack. After Dinner snack, or if you just want to do something fun!

Monday, October 15, 2012


Pick a night and have a movie/sleepover.

It is so fun to stay up and talk to your kids.
Pick a new movie, get bundled up on the floor and have a fun night!
Make popcorn, or eat suckers!

Throw evening plans out the window and chill with your favorite little people!

Someone did not want to be in the sleeping bag! LOL

It is really fun to be a kid again. Even if it is only for one night!

Friday, October 12, 2012

Fall Baking : Apple Brownies!

I love the fall, and I love baking. I also love Honey Crisp Apples!

My kids also enjoy being in the kitchen making stuff and being with me, but most importantly - 
they love eating their own creations!

Today we made Apple Brownies from Martha Stewart's Apple Collective.

Calling them brownies was a stretch, but they were delicious!

Everyone had a job!

I added a tbsp of vanilla to the batter, and it was so good.
A perfect recipe for a quick baking day.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Quick Date!

We meet our friends for lunch, or at chick-fil-a.
A lot of my friends who work meet over coffee.

How about taking time out for some hot chocolate and a sweet treat.
Some one on one (or in my case 5 to 2) time!

 I promise the conversations, and the $3.00 will be worth it!

I love these little moments and discussions that we have as a family.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Sensory : Seeing with our Ears

Have you ever taken your kids on a blindfolded walk?

You should try it!

The sights, sounds, and smells, are such an experience for those little minds.

I took my kids to the local nature reserve.

The rule was one blindfolded person, and one guide.

The 3 year old didn't like this. But, she is 3 and 3 year olds don't like anything.
The other kids loved it!

We stopped, listened and observed.
It was cold, but so peaceful and quiet.

When we got home, we took notes of our observations and drew pictures of what we 
heard but couldn't see.

I love being outside, even if it is fall/winter.
There are less people out, and the kids have more room to enjoy.

You should try it!