Thursday, May 17, 2012

Ivory Soap, Paint!

So, after you have turned it into a slightly stinky, but really cool cloud, you tear it up into pieces. The kids love to do this!
 Put it in a mixer, and add 1/4 to 1/2 cup warm water.  you want it to be smooth, but NOT runny.
 It looks so weird.
 Put it in baggies, and add the coloring, then let the kids smoosh.

 Then, cut the tips off and explain to your kids how piping works, because that is what they are going to do in the tub! "Back to the tub, kids!" you will shout with excitement! LOL
 Then, let them have their fun!
 Here is what it looks like.

 Then, check out the designs and then let them swish it with their hands, for added enjoyment!

 Sensory Fun!
It is fun, clean, and - washable!

More to come!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Texture Play

Everyone loves PlayDoh in my house. Last night for family night we talked about impressions and fossils.

So, we had the kids search through the house that were different textures, or patterns.

They found a comb, coins, legos, a key, pipe cleaners, a dryer sheet, a chain, and bubble wrap. 
(we may have hinted to ideas)

Then it was time to have at it!

We do family night after bath, so please excuse the wet hair and jammies. :)
This is a great fine motor activity. It also helps distinguish textural differences.
 The kids all had a blast!

 Even the one year old took a stab at it...literally!

This was just another fun way to use play doh.

We talked about ridges, grooves, indentations, and textures. They each learned new descriptive words.
We also had them predict what would happen on the other side if they pushed too hard or too soft.

Really nice and quiet activity. :)